A joke here, a joke there, and a few smiles along the way
My artist statement focused on introspectively exploring why I, as an artist, make art. It was created with the intent of being a 2-channel installation, but it has been compressed into 1 for ease of viewing online (2023)
A short montage of my experience visiting Kyoto, Japan for a family vacation. In collaboration with my cousin. (2023)
Music by BƱBBLE, Basmati, Lofi Sax
A montage of the extra footage we had from filming The Green Screen Project (2022)
Music by Valve Studio Orchestra
A short video commemorating my transfer from RIT to Tufts University and experimenting with the masking feature in Davinci Resolve (2023)
Music by CaliCronk, middt
Group project focused on combining green screen footage and 3D environments. I was responsible for video editing, sound effects, and acting (2022)
A short documentary about the Order of the Cardboard Knights Club at RIT (2021)
History project loosely presenting information on the Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa. I was tasked with video editing, sound effects, and acting (2019)